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Municipal Corporation
About us
Vice Mayor
Municipal Commissioner
Municipal Corporation Officer
Standing Committee
Corporate Names
Municipal Additional Commissioner
Municipal Deputy Commissioner
City Engineer
List of Ward Committee Members
Member of Women and Child Welfare Committee
Group leader
Tree Authority Member List
Information about corporators
Citizens Declaration
Property Tax Payment - Online
Online RTI Application
Shops and Establishment
Payment of Water Supply Tax - Online
New plumbing application
Birth and Death Certificate - Online
Commencement of Construction and Occupancy Certificate
Online building permission
MyMbmc Mobile App
My Bus (MBMT)
Right to Service
TDR Details
Online Hoarding / Banner Permission
Complaint under PG Portal
Complain under your government
Right to Information - Legal Department
Real time monitoring
Services under Maharashtra Public Service Rights
Offline Tender
E-Tender (MBMC)
City Amenities
Blood bank
Open field
Ward offices
Ambulance and Mortuary Ambulance
Movie Theater
Library Department
Fire Fighting
Recreation center
Schools / Junior Colleges
Sports Complex
Dumping ground
Accounting Accounts
Secretary Department
Department of Births and Deaths
Advertising Department
Fire Service
General Administration and Establishment Department
Department of Women and Child Welfare
Public Works / Electrical Department
Library Department
Asset Management Division
Information Public Relations Department
Commissioner's Office
Tax department
Pay and Park Department
Licensing Department
Department of Information and Technology
Department of horticulture
Central Repository Division
Legal Department
Transport Department
Environment Department
Education department
Local body tax
Encroachment / Unauthorized Construction Removal Department
Department of Public Health
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Social Development Department
Audit Department
Department of Solid Waste Management
Department of Disaster Management
Water Supply and Sewerage Department
vehicle department
Urban planning
Census department
Ward Committee No.1
Ward Committee No.2
Ward Committee No.3
Ward Committee No.4
Ward Committee No. 5
Ward Committee No. 6
Solid Waste Project Department
Government decision
Appointment / Transfer
Selection list
Office Circulars/ Office Orders
Hon. General Assembly resolution
General Assembly Meeting Agenda
Public Relations Department
Administrative Assembly
Hon. Standing Committee Resolutions
Standing Committee Meeting
General meeting
Standing Committee Meetings, Attendance, Minutes
Standing Committee Meeting Agenda
Administrative Resolution
Right to Information Act
Deputy Commissioner (MD)
Deputy Commissioner (MD)
मा. उपायुक्त(मु.) माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम
माहिती अधिकारात प्राप्त अर्ज, अपिल, माहिती
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