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Department of Information and Technology

Department HeadTelephone / Mobile Noe-mail
Rajkumar M. Gharat (System Manager)022-28192828 Ext.

Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation has constructed 3000 sq. An updated and well-equipped computerized civic amenities center of Foote has been operational since January 31, 2005 for the convenience of the citizens. Citizens are being provided services such as property tax payment, water tax payment, property tax and water tax arrears check, provision of second copy of property tax, birth and death certificate, birth and death registration, birth-death non-registration certificate etc. In all the ward offices and divisional offices of the Municipal Corporation, services are being provided to citizens such as payment of property tax and water supply tax, viewing of property tax and water supply tax details, change in name of property tax and water supply tax, correction of address etc.

Hon. Commissioner

Hon. too much Commissioner

Hon. Deputy Commissioner (Information & Technology)

System Manager

System Analyst


Computer Operator



Job Chart
A. _ No. _

 position of authority

( Designation )

Responsibilities and duties


1.Deputy Commissioner ( Information and Technology) To control all the operations of computer department.

 System Manager


1. To supervise the development of Municipal website.

2. To take all actions related to e-governance.

3. To take action regarding the appointment of technical consultant regarding the computer department of the municipality.

4. To supervise all the activities related to networking of the municipality.

5. Taking all actions related to LOCAL AREA NETWORKING.

6. To supervise the computerization of licensing department

7. To take action on development of Property Tax Computerization Manual.

8. Proceedings regarding computerization of computerized attendance sheet

9. To take all actions related to computerization of water supply department.

10. To supply computers to various departments of the municipality.

11. To supply printers to various departments of the municipality.

12. Networking of various departments of the municipality.

13. To provide training in computer skills to municipal employees.

14. To provide training to municipal departments regarding our government portal.

15. To provide training to various departments of the municipality regarding PG PORTAL.


17. Development of computer manual for Town Planning Department.

18. To implement the instructions from the IT department.

19. Development of computerized manual of local body tax department.

20. Development of Grievance Procedures.

21. Developing input and output computer commands.

22. Development of computerized manual of birth and death department.

23. Providing hosting services for various computer applications.

24. Supply, maintenance and repair of biometric machines.

25. Development of online monitoring system.

26. Scanning and digitizing records of various departments.

27. Development of computer manuals for various departmental records of proposals, expenditure, spillovers, summaries, work orders, contracts, works Geo Tracking etc.

28. Development of Municipal Mobile Up

29. Providing facility for property tax and water tax and complaint to citizens through mobile up.



1. Taking necessary action on the application received and submitting such report/information.

2. Receiving and sending inward and outward correspondence.

3. To keep a record of the goods purchased through the computer department.

4. Submission of Payment.

5. Submission of proposals.

6. Keeping records of computers and materials.

7. Redressal of audit objection.

8. Processing of application in Information Officer.

9. Taking timely action on the government's letter, public representative's letter, corporator's letter, official's letter


Computer Driver (Temporary)

Sending complaints on your government, PG portal to various departments through e-mail, submitting proposals, payments and recording in computer through Budget and Geo Tracking, recording daily incoming and outgoing in computer, redressal of complaints by recording complaints about computers and printers through telephone, given by superiors to work

Computer Operator (Contract)

Typing of RTI Councillors' letters, Typing of answers to Democracy Day letters in computer, Publishing information of various departments on website, Checking daily e-mails, Submitting payments, Acting on letters received as requested by various departments, Typing of office work on computer, Work given by seniors. to do

Computer Operator (Contract)

Typing office work on computer, doing work assigned by superiors

a soldier



 1. Distribution of postage.

2. To perform routine office work.

3. Obeying superior's orders

Government decision
A.No.Subjects given as per GovtGovernment Decision No. and DateFeedback (if any)
1Cloud HostingGovernment Decision No. Matan No. 060/3/2017/2 dt. 04/08/2018 
2Government E-Tendering (GeM)Government Decision No:- Sankirna-2016/P.No.215/ Udyog-4 dt. 24/08/2017 
3E TendringGAD-DIT 080/2/2014-DIT (MH) Dt. 13/08/2014 
4Duties to be done by Government DepartmentsGovernment Decision No: BHANKHS-2014/P.No.82/Part-III/Industry-4 
Revised Rules of Procedure for Procurementd. 01/12/2016
5 The limit of purchase made on the basis of tariff is Rs. 3 lakh from Rs. 10 lakhs regarding enhancement Government Decision No: Bhankhas 2021/Pro.No.8/Udyog-4 dated 07/05/2021 
6Regarding the e-tendering processGovernment Decision No. Matansam 054/31 /2016/39, dated 11/05/2021 
A.No.Subjects given as per GovtCircular No. and DateFeedback (if any)
1Allotment of government e-mail addresses to various departments of the municipality.Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/105/2019, dt. 8/8/2019 
2Regarding publication of information on the website of the Municipal Corporation.जा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/28/2019-20, दि. 15/6/2019 
अंदाजपत्रके (सन २०२१-२२)


अंदाजपत्रकिय शिर्षाचे वर्णन




नियोजित वापर (क्षेत्र  कामाचा तपशिल)


अधिक अनुदान अपेक्षित असल्यास रुपयात





संगणक खरेदी व प्रशिक्षण




संगणक, संगणक आज्ञावली व इतर साहित्य खरेदी





संगणक देखभाल व दुरुस्ती




संगणक, संगणक आज्ञावली व इतर साहित्य देखभाल व दुरुस्ती



प्रदान करण्यात आलेली देयके (सन २०२१-२२)

संगणक देखभाल दुरुस्ती




ठेकेदाराचे नाव 

देयक रक्कम रु.


मिरा भाईंदर महानगरपालिका  मा. महासभा
 Video Conferencing द्वारे आयोजित करणेकामी
Video Hd Camera, Zoom Set up with sound system
 with 5 mikes, LED Screen/TV भाड्याने घेणे कामी (दि.१५/०१/२०२१ रोजी महासभा)

मे. होप्स डिजिटल


मिरा भाईंदर महानगरपालिका  मा. महासभा
 Video Conferencing द्वारे आयोजित करणेकामी
Video Hd Camera, Zoom Set up with sound system
 with 5 mikes, LED Screen/TV  (दि. ३०/०३/२०२१ रोजीची महासभा)

मे. होप्स डिजिटल


मिरा भाईंदर महानगरपालिका  मा. महासभा
 Video Conferencing द्वारे आयोजित करणेकामी
Video Hd Camera, Zoom Set up with sound system
 with 5 mikes, LED Screen/TV भाड्याने घेणे कामी (दि.२०/०४/२०२१ रोजी महासभा)

मे. होप्स डिजिटल


मिरा भाईंदर महानगरपालिका ऑनलाईनद्वारे सेवा उपलब्ध करणेकामी व मनपाच्या स्वतंत्र संकेतस्थळासाठी SSL Certificate पुरवठा करणेकामी 

मे. न्यु इंडिक्ट्रान्स प्रा.लि.,


मिरा भाईंदर महानगरपालिकेचे विविध अ‍ॅप्लिकेशन होस्टींग करणेबाबत

मे. न्यु इंडिक्ट्रान्स प्रा.लि.,


मिरा भाईंदर महानगरपालिका  मा. महासभा
 Video Conferencing द्वारे आयोजित करणेकामी
Video Hd Camera, Zoom Set up with sound system
 with 5 mikes, LED Screen/TV  (दि. १९/०५/२०२१ रोजीची महासभा)

मे. होप्स डिजिटल


Post Implementation Support Services customization New Development in E-governance Module Implemented at MBMC कामी (दि.०१/११/२०२० ते दि.२५/०३/२०२१)

मे. न्यु इंडिक्ट्रान्स प्रा.लि.,


मिरा भाईंदर महानगरपालिका विविध विभागीय कार्यालय व कोविड १९ कार्यालय येथे Static Ip सह इंटरनेट सेवा पुरवठा करणेकामी (दि.०४/११/२०२० ते दि.०३/११/२०२१)

मे. फायबर स्टोरी


मिरा भाईंदर महानगरपालिका  मा. महासभा Video Conferencing द्वारे आयोजित करणेकामी  Video Hd Camera, Zoom Set up with sound system
 with 5 mikes, LED Screen/TV  (दि. २६/०२/२०२१ रोजीची महासभा)

मे. होप्स डिजिटल



मिरा भाईंदर महानगरपालिका G-mail Account Storage Plan (100 GB) upgrade केल्याचे देयक




मिरा भाईंदर महानगरपालिका घोडबंदर लॅब इंदिरा गांधी रुग्णालय येथे संगणक संच व प्रधानमंत्री स्वनिधी योजनेकरिता लॅपटॉप भाड्याने पुरवठा करणेकामी

मे. बालाजी इन्फोटेक


संगणक हार्डवेअर/सॉफटवेअर साहित्य खरेदी





देयक रक्कम रु.


मिरा भाईंदर Cloud Computing
Policy Empanelment of Cloud
 Service Provider and Guideline for Government
 Organization कामाबाबत (दि.१७/०१/२०२१ ते दि.१६/०४/२०२१

मे. न्यु इंडिक्ट्रान्स प्रा.लि.,



 Providing computer materials for various departments and meetings of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation

May Shri Swami Samarth Security




About Mira Bhayander Municipal
 Budget and Geo Tracking Processing System work

May N.P. Infoserv Pvt Ltd,




Development of Pharmacy Management System computerized for Medical Health Department of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation

May N.P. Infoserv Pvt Ltd,




Mira Bhaidar Municipal Corporation Development of Open Land Taxes Application and Post Implementation Support Services & Customization (3 years duration)

May N.P. Infoserv Pvt Ltd,




Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation to supply toners and cartridges and repair printers free of charge for various departments.

May Ramdev Enterprises


Terms of Reference (Year 2021-22)



Name of Contractor

Outbound no.


Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation Head Office, All Ward Offices, Divisional Offices, Dispensaries, Hospitals are connected by Local Area Network.

MS Way Computers


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/07/2021-22 dated 01/04/2021


 Providing internet service with Static Ip at  Mira  Bhayander Municipal Corporation various departmental office and  Kovid 19  office   

May _ Fiber Story Communication Pvt . Ltd ,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/12/2021-22 dated 06/04/2021


 Provision of Software Services for the Covid -19 Office to start at Mira Bhayandar  Municipal Corporation  , Ghodbunder          

M/s.Creliant Software Pvt.Ltd.,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/13/2021-22 dated 06/04/2021


 Providing internet service with Static Ip at various departmental offices and Kovid 19 office of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation  Pt. Bh. Joshi Hospital for registration of immunization of citizens

May _ Fiber Story Communication Pvt . Ltd ,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/18/2021-22 dated 08/04/2021


Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation Hon. Mahasabha to be held through Video Conferencing Video Hd Camera, Zoom Set up with sound system with 5 mikes, LED Screen/TV on hire possible (Mahasabha on 20/04/2021)

May Hopes Digital,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/30/2021-22 dated 19/04/2021


Supplying 100 mbps Dedicated Internet Leaseline for one month duration for Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation Head Office, Various Departments

May Shengli Telecom India Pvt Ltd,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/31/2021-22 dated 19/04/2021


 Providing internet service with Static Ip at Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation various departmental offices and Kovid 19 office 

 For registration of immunization of citizens

May _ Fiber Story Communication Pvt . Ltd ,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/50/2021-22 dated 19/04/2021


Regarding the work of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation Cloud Computing Policy-Empanelment of Cloud Service Providers and Guidelines for Government organizations

M.E.S.D.S Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/51/2021-22 dated 29/04/2021


Scanning and digitization of records of various departments of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation

work to do

May Genius Infotech


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/52/2021-22 dated 29/04/2021


Providing services through Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation Online and providing SSL Certificate for separate website of Municipality  

May _ New . Inductance  Technology  Pvt . Ltd. _


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/77/2021-22 dated 07/05/2021


Providing services through Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation Online and providing SSL Certificate for separate website of Municipality  

M.E.S.D.S Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/78/2021-22 dated 07/05/2021


Supplying 100 mbps Dedicated Internet Leaseline for a period of one month (Dt. 18/05/2021 to Dt. 17/05/2022) for Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation Head Office, Various Departments

May Shengli Telecom India Pvt Ltd,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/102/2021-22 dated 17/05/2021


Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation Hon. Mahasabha to be held through Video Conferencing Video Hd Camera, Zoom Set up with sound system with 5 mikes, LED Screen/TV on hire possible (Mahasabha on 20/04/2021)

May Hopes Digital,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/106/2021-22 dated 18/05/2021


Post Implementation support services, Customization and new development in E-governance module implemented at MBMC

May _ New . Inductance  Technology  Pvt . Ltd. _


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/107/2021-22 dated 18/05/2021


Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation  regarding providing internet facility for CCTV  in various covid hospitals

May _ Fiber Story Communication Pvt . Ltd ,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/108/2021-22 dated 18/05/2021


Regarding the work of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation Cloud Computing Policy-Empanelment of Cloud Service Providers and Guidelines for Government organizations

M.E.S.D.S Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/159/2021-22 dated 15/06/2021


Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation provides toner and cartridge supply, free printer supply and free printer maintenance for various departments.

May Ramdev Enterprises


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/188/2021-22 dated 02/07/2021


Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation provides toner and cartridge supply, free printer supply and free printer maintenance for various departments.

May Ramdev Enterprises


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/211/2021-22 dated 26/07/2021


Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation Ghodbunder Lab, Indira Gandhi Hospital Supply of computers and laptops on rent for Pradhan Mantri Svanidi Yojana

M. Balaji Info Systems,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/219/2021-22 dated 30/07/2021


Provision of Ms Office 365 License Copy for various departments of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation (Supply, Installation, Migration & Support for one year) 

May Zentech Info Solutions Pvt Ltd,


Ja.No. Municipality/Computer/227/2021-22 dated 05/08/2021

Information on 17 issues under Section 4(1) b of the Right to Information Act 2005
60 (a ) Specified Information
Government decision
Right to Information Letter and Answers
A.No.detailName of Applicantoutward
1.केंद्रशासनाचामाहितीअधिकारअधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गतमाहितीमिळणेबाबत..Certificate in RTI Course / Training undergone by PIO & FAA of every department of MBMC (The PIO & FAA are ignorant of the RTI Act. Needs Proper training)ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/०१/२०२१-२२ दि.०८/०४/२०२१
2.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत ज्या विभाग व प्रभागांनी स्कॅन करुन घेतले आहे त्या सर्व विभागाची आपल्या स्तरावर माहिती उपलब्ध करुन देणेबाबत..ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/०२/२०२१-२२दि.१२/०४/२०२१
3.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत ज्या विभाग व प्रभागांनी स्कॅन करुन घेतले आहे त्या सर्व विभागाची आपल्या स्तरावर माहिती उपलब्ध करुन देणेबाबत..ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/०३/२०२१-२२दि.१५/०४/२०२१
4.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत ज्या विभाग व प्रभागांनी स्कॅन करुन घेतले आहे त्या सर्व विभागाची आपल्या स्तरावर माहिती उपलब्ध करुन देणेबाबत..ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/०४/२०२१-२२दि.१५/०४/२०२१
5.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत ज्या विभाग व प्रभागांनी स्कॅन करुन घेतले आहे त्या सर्व विभागाची आपल्या स्तरावर माहिती उपलब्ध करुन देणेबाबत..ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/०५/२०२१-२२दि.१५/०४/२०२१
6.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत ज्या विभाग व प्रभागांनी स्कॅन करुन घेतले आहे त्या सर्व विभागाची आपल्या स्तरावर माहिती उपलब्ध करुन देणेबाबत..ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/०६/२०२१-२२दि.१५/०४/२०२१
7.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत ज्या विभाग व प्रभागांनी स्कॅन करुन घेतले आहे त्या सर्व विभागाची आपल्या स्तरावर माहिती उपलब्ध करुन देणेबाबत..अमोल रकवीजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/०७/२०२१-२२दि.१५/०४/२०२१
8.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत ज्या विभाग व प्रभागांनी स्कॅन करुन घेतले आहे त्या सर्व विभागाची आपल्या स्तरावर माहिती उपलब्ध करुन देणेबाबत..अमोल रकवीजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/०८/२०२१-२२दि.१५/०४/२०२१
9.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत ज्या विभाग व प्रभागांनी स्कॅन करुन घेतले आहे त्या सर्व विभागाची आपल्या स्तरावर माहिती उपलब्ध करुन देणेबाबत..अमोल रकवीजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/०९/२०२१-२२दि.१५/०४/२०२१
10.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत ज्या विभाग व प्रभागांनी स्कॅन करुन घेतले आहे त्या सर्व विभागाची आपल्या स्तरावर माहिती उपलब्ध करुन देणेबाबत..ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/१०/२०२१-२२दि.१५/०४/२०२१
11.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत ज्या विभाग व प्रभागांनी स्कॅन करुन घेतले आहे त्या सर्व विभागाची आपल्या स्तरावर माहिती उपलब्ध करुन देणेबाबत..ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/११/२०२१-२२दि.१५/०४/२०२१


चतुर्भजा शिवसागर पाण्ड्येजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/१२/२०२१-२२दि.२२/०४/२०२१
13.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत ज्या विभाग व प्रभागांनी स्कॅन करुन घेतले आहे त्या सर्व विभागाची आपल्या स्तरावर माहिती उपलब्ध करुन देणेबाबत..अमोल रकवीजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/१३/२०२१-२२दि.२२/०४/२०२१
14.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत ज्या विभाग व प्रभागांनी स्कॅन करुन घेतले आहे त्या सर्व विभागाची आपल्या स्तरावर माहिती उपलब्ध करुन देणेबाबत..ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/१४/२०२१-२२दि.२२/०४/२०२१
15.Certified copies of tender issues for scanning  document for all department of MBMC since 2005 to till date of RTI reply.ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/१५/२०२१-२२दि.०३/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/१६/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/१७/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/१८/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/१९/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/२०/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/२१/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/२२/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/२३/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/२४/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/२५/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१
26.केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/२६/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/२७/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१
28.केंद्र शासनाचा माहितीचा अधिकार अधिनियम 2005 अन्वयेदि. 05/11/2018 रोजीचे परिपत्रकाच्या आधारे माहिती मिळणेबाबतराजीव देशपांडेजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/२८/२०२१-२२दि.०४/०५/२०२१
29.केंद्र शासनाचा माहितीचा अधिकार अधिनियम 2005 अन्वयेदि. 05/11/2018 रोजीचे परिपत्रकाच्या आधारे माहिती मिळणेबाबतराजीव देशपांडेजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/२९/२०२१-२२दि.२५/०५/२०२१
30.केंद्रशासनाचामाहितीचाअधिकारअधिनियम 2005 अन्वये सन्मा. नगरसेवक जुबेर ईनामदार यांनी केलेले पत्रव्यवहार व त्यावर केलेली कार्यवाहीची माहिती मिळणेबाबत.साबीर शेखजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/३०/२०२१-२२दि.२५/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/३१/२०२१-२२दि.२५/०५/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेशशर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/३२/२०२१-२२दि.२५/०५/२०२१
33.दैनिक महाराष्ट्र टाईम्स दि.०३/०४/२०२१ पुणे आवर्ती मध्ये छापुन आलेली बातमी छोट्या कंत्राटदारांचे अडकले आठ हजार कोटी” या मथळ्यामध्ये छापून आलेली बातमीबाबत)रमारमण व्यंकटेश कोंतमजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/३३/२०२१-२२दि.०८/०६/२०२१

केंद्रीय माहिती अधिकार अधिनियम २००५ अंतर्गत श्री. ब्रिजेश शर्मा  यांचादि.२६/०४/२०२१ रोजीचा अर्ज. सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग यांना प्राप्तअर्ज दि. २८/०४/२०२.

ब्रिजेश शर्माजा.क्र. मनपा/संगणक/३४/२०२१-२२दि.२५/०६/२०२१

केंद्रशासनाचामाहितीचाअधिकारअधिनियम 2005 अन्वये

Govt. Regarding receiving information of reserved and reserved jobs/tenders awarded/awarded to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes Women and Persons with Disabilities under the Micro, Small and Medium (MSME) Policy of Mira-Bhainder Municipal Corporation as on 01 December 2016.

Tushar Yashwant GaikwadJa.No. Municipality/Computer/35/2021-22d.26/07/2021
36.In the period from 2019 to 2021 under the Central Government's Right to Information Act, 2005. Seven Eleven Hotels Pvt. Ltd. Regarding filing of FIR / COMPLANTS against them.General Administration DepartmentJa.No. Municipality/Computer/36/2021-22d.06/08/2021

Under the Central Government's Right to Information Act 2005

May in the period from 2019 to 2021. Seven Eleven Construction Pvt. Regarding filing of FIR / COMPLANTS against Ltd.

General Administration DepartmentJa.No. Municipality/Computer/37/2021-22 dated 09/08/2021

Under the Union Right to Information Act, 2005

Regarding filing of FIR/ COMPLANTS against Vinod Lalchand Mehta during the period 2019 to 2021.

General Administration DepartmentJa.No. Municipality/Computer/38/2021-22 dated 09/08/2021

Under Right to Information Act 2005 of Central Govt

Regarding filing of FIR / COMPLANTS against Narendra Mehta during the period 2019 to 2021.

General Administration DepartmentJa.No. Municipality/Computer/39/2021-22 dated 09/08/2021
40.Regarding sending the information about the points raised in the meeting of the Minority Welfare Committee held on 24th March 2021General Administration DepartmentJa.No. Municipality/Computer/40/2021-22 dated 09/08/2021
41.Total Number of quasi-judicial hearing held by you from 03.07.2021 up to the date of your reply to this RTI application under Central Government's Right to Information Act 2005.Mohammad AfzalJa.No. Municipality/Computer/41/2021-22d.10/08/2021
42.Letter received from Urban Planning Department regarding access to information under Central Right to Information Act 2005Rajeev Trimbak DeshpandeJa.No. Municipality/Computer/42/2021-22 dated 27/08/2021

Appointment of a Consulting Firm to provide Technology Advisory & Project Management Services for designing & implementation of IT Infrastructure at Mira Bhaindar Municipal Corporation.

 other information 

Final Report on Omitting Audit Objections Resolution No. 304 dt. By 08/01/2024                         

E Tender Section

Department HeadHead of Department and postTelephone / Mobile Noe-mail
Kind old manE-Tendering

All the departments of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation amount Rs.  10 Lakhs and above all the tenders are published on the Maharashtra Government website through e-tendering and  accordingly further action is taken transparently.

Department work
  • Regarding proposals, payments, correspondence and conducting office work through e-office system
  • Regarding publication of notice of public e-auction for disposal of obsolete computers and other IT equipment through Information Technology Department
  • All the departments of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation amount Rs. 10 Lakhs and above to publish all tenders through e-tendering on Maharashtra Government website
  • Publish tender circular.
  • Making the details of tenders received available to the department after the deadline for submission of tenders.
  • Opening the technical envelope of the tender after receiving the report from the department or extending the tender period as per the report received.
  • Publication of Technical Scrutiny Report received from the concerned department of open tenders with technical envelope.
  • Opening of rate envelope of eligible tenderers.
  • Publish rate scrutiny report received from the concerned department of open tenders with rate envelope.
  • Publication of report on tender acceptance.
  • Making available to the concerned department the report regarding refund of tenderer's amount.
  • Hon. Commissioner So. Taking action as per the instructions given from time to time and making necessary reports available.
Job Chart -2022-23

Responsibilities and duties of officers/employees

Anu no.DesignationLegal provisionResponsibilities and duties

Deputy Commissioner

( E-Tendering Room )

Maharashtra Municipal Corporation Act

1) All departments of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation amount Rs. 10 Lakhs and above to publish all tenders through e-tendering on Maharashtra Government   website .

2) Publish tender circular.

3) Making the details of tenders received available to the department after the deadline for submission of tenders.

4) Opening the technical envelope of the tender after receiving the report from the department or extending the tender as per the report received.

5) Publication of the Technical Scrutiny Report received from the concerned department of tenders with technical envelopes opened.

6) Opening of bid envelope of eligible tenderers.

7) Publication of rate scrutiny report received from the concerned department of open tenders with rate envelope.

8) Publication of report regarding tender acceptance.

9) Making available to the concerned department the report regarding the refund of the amount due by the tenderers.

10) Hon. Commissioner So. Taking action as per the instructions given from time to time and making necessary reports available.

2)System  Analyst 

1) All departments of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation amount Rs. 10 Lakhs and above to publish all tenders through e-tendering on Maharashtra Government   website .

2) Publish tender circular.

3) Making the details of tenders received available to the department after the deadline for submission of tenders.

4) Opening the technical envelope of the tender after receiving the report from the department or extending the tender as per the report received.

5) Publication of the Technical Scrutiny Report received from the concerned department of tenders with technical envelopes opened.

6) Opening of bid envelope of eligible tenderers.

7) Publication of rate scrutiny report received from the concerned department of open tenders with rate envelope.

8) Publication of report regarding tender acceptance.

9) Making available to the concerned department the report regarding the refund of the amount due by the tenderers.

10) Hon. Commissioner So. Taking action as per the instructions given from time to time and making necessary reports available.

3Computer Operator and Clerk To take action on all the above matters given by the superiors.

निविदा / दरपत्रके/ इतर माहिती 

माहिती व तंत्रज्ञान विभागाची नाविन्यता कक्षासाठी Adobe Creative Cloud (Including Photoshop, Illustrator,InDesign), Canva Teams, Chat GPT Teams, Prezi Premium, Microsoft 365 BusinessPremium, Safety Culture, Git Hub, IMB SPSS Statistics उपलब्ध करणे कामी द्वितीय मुदत वाढ निविदा सूचना_422

Rate Form regarding provide cloud computing policy Empanelment of cloud service providers and guideline for Government organization_318

Rate form of mira bhaindar municipal  corporation for purchase of laptops, printers,IT related materials_316

First Extension Tender Notice regarding MBMC invites online tender to participate in the competitive bidding to provide software premium _305

Rate form regarding design and development of digital library management system_310

Tender Notice regarding MBMC Information and technology dept invites proposals from reputed and experience companies to participate in the competitive bidding process to Implementation of what’s App based service platform for one year_302

Mira bhaindar municipal corporation information and technology dept invites proposals from reputed and experience companies to participate in the competitive bidding process to provide chat GPT  Premium subscription_288

Rate form of  to Customization, Up gradation, New Dashboard Development, MIS Development and AM of pharmacy management system_245

Rate form of provide cloud computing policy-empanelment of cloud service providers and guidelines for government organization_249

Rate form of provide SMS service to MBMC and integration with mbmc application for 3 years customization AMC support and experience man power_247

Rate form regarding upgrade and Annual maintenance of open land tax software with 3 years customization AMC and support and experience manpower_244

Tender notice of Recoveryof data from Hard disk_227

Rate Form regarding Creation of Data Backup Center through information and Technology Department_229

Rate form About Development & Implementation of Application to MBMC social welfare department and schemes of women and child development_215

Rate Form of Implementation of Whats App Based Service Platform_214

Rate form ABOUT RFP for scanning and digitization of records of MBMC_213

Rate Form Regarding Development & Implementation of material required for maintenance of water Distribution system storage point ,Department , health department ,IT dpt &Other MBMC Department Inventory Management software for water supply department with 5  years customization AMC and support and Experience manpower_199

Development & Implementation of Application to MBMC  Social Welfare department and scheme of women and child development _195

Rate Form Regarding Up Gradation And  Annual  Maintenance Contract For  Network Devices At MBMC  Head Office And Lata Mangeshkar Natyagrih _179 

MBMC IT Dept .invites proposals from reputed and experienced companies in the competitive bidding process to supply of High Speed  Scanner_ 166

Rate form of RFP  for scanning & digitization of records of MBMC _169

मिरा भाईंदर महानगर पालिका माहिती व तंत्रज्ञान विभागा मार्फत ई –ऑफिस कामी high speed scanner खरेदी करणे कामी अधिकृत व अनुभवी विक्रेत्या कडूनस्पर्धात्मक ई –निविदा मागवण्या बाबतची फेर निविदा सूचना _166