Tender notice regardingresosuldation and repainting work of Dr,babasaheb ambedkar statue,chatrapatishivaji maharaja statue, maharana pratap statue, Army statue and hutatamasmarak statue in mbmc area_141
Tender Notice Regarding supply,installation, testing, and commissioning of electrification work at various junction miraroad in MBMC_140
Adobe Creative Cloud(Including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Canva Teams, Chat GPT Teams,Prezi Premium, Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Safety Culture, Git Hub, IMBSPSS Statistics उपलब्ध करणेकामी प्रथम मुदतवाढ निविदा सुचना_462
Tender Notice foroperation & comprehensive maintenance of lodha aqua building sewer pumpingstation_41
Tender Noticeregarding MBMC IT dept , invites proposals from reputed and experience companiesto participate in the competitive bidding process for development and implementationfor 5 years_451
मिरा भाईंदर महानगरपालिका विविध विभागांसाठी Development and Implementation Of Online RTS System Under RTS Act 2015 with 5 Year Customization AMC And Support विकसित करणेकामी निविदा सूचना_451
Tender notice regarding purchase laptops ,printers and IT related material_450
Re-Tender noticeregarding to provide 100 conctract labour as required for a period for 2 yearsfor eviction of encroachment,unauthorized construction and delection of illegalhawkers in mbmc_589
Adobe Creative Cloud (Including Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign), Canva Teams, Chat GPT Teams, Prezi Premium, Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Safety culture ,git hub,IMB SPSS statistic उपलब्ध करणे कामी फेर निविदा सूचना_447
Retender no 40 about Mechanized sewage / septage cleaning _40
Tender Notice regarding proposed repairing work of toilet at various loction in ward committee no1,2,3,4,5 & 6 in MBMC Area_136
माहिती व तंत्रज्ञान विभागाची नाविन्यता कक्षासाठी Adobe Creative Cloud (Including Photoshop, Illustrator,InDesign), Canva Teams, Chat GPT Teams, Prezi Premium, Microsoft 365 BusinessPremium, Safety Culture, Git Hub, IMB SPSS Statistics उपलब्ध करणे कामी द्वितीय मुदत वाढ निविदा सूचना_422
Retender notice Regardingsupply of Drain master amphibian drain cleaning machine 1nos for mechanical removalof slide slit derbies and floating waste of open drains with compressiveoperation and maintenance in MBMC_127
Tender notice regarding designing,proving,suppling sewer pump 65 hp at STP5 & Repair of VFD panel no 2 _37
Tender Notice regarding Appointment of panel for Auditor and project management consult for sewerage treatment plant & water pumping station under MBMC_38
Tender notice regarding providing electrician, DG operator & Auditorium stage lights, Auditorium sound system engineer and AC operator at bharatratn ghyan samradri lata mangeshkar natygruh miraroad __125
Selection of strategic consulting firm for support in Implementation of integrated transit management system (ITMS ) & NCMC compliant Automatic fare collection system (AFCS )__Extention Notice 432
Re-Tender notice regarding Mira bhaindar municipal corporationPublic Works / electrical dept online tender are beinginvited for 03 worker ingovernment/ semi-government / Public sector organization & Activities /local self-government ETC _ 121
Re-tender notice regarding proposed construction of interior work of pramod Mahajan Art gallery in MBMC Area_122
Tender notice Regarding proposed electrical repairing work at various libraries & MNP schools in MBMC Area_117
Re-tender notice regarding making panels of tanker suppliers for supplying water through private tanker in MBMC Area calling for efficient tanker supply rates_35
Tender Notice regarding MBMC Information and technology dept invites proposals from reputed and experience companies to participate in the competitive bidding process to Implementation of what’s App based service platform for one year_302
EOI-Re-tender notice regarding Appointment of hospital planning, designing and management consultant for mira bhayanadar municipal corporation_113
Re-Tender notice regarding proposed construction of cable stayed walkway to join gjhodbandar khadi kinara and ghodbandar fort inMBMC Area_112
Re-Tender notice regarding Mira bhaindar municipal corporation Public Works / electrical dept online tender are being invited for 03 worker in government/ semi-government / Public sector organization & Activities /local self-government ETC _ 111
Re-tender notice Regarding Supplying & installation fan, tube light & electric connectional Hon .commissioner bungalow _110
Tender notioce Regarding proposed interior work of 5th floor MBMC head office in MBMC Area_108
Mira bhaindar municipal corporation information and technology dept invites proposals from reputed and experience companies to participate in the competitive bidding process to provide chat GPT Premium subscription_288
Selection of strategic consulting firm for support in Implementation of interfaced transit management system (ITMS ) & NCMC compliant Automatic fare collection system (AFCS ) बाबत फेर निविदा सूचना_375
Mira bhaindar municipal Corporation invites tender to supply medical equipment and instrument from manufacture or distributors_1473
Tender notice regardingdevelopment of mangrove park of ghodbandar opp. fountain hotel in MBMC Area_89
Tender Notice Regarding Underground sewerage system for phase – II in MBMC Area_22
Tender notice of Recoveryof data from Hard disk_227
Tender notice About sterilization and Anti rabies vaccination of unsterilization stray dogs & cats, treatment of injured dogs and cats within MBMC_91
Tender Notice About MBMC invites Tender to run the shelter for homeless_107
Tender Notice About Proposed cancer hospital & Research institute at Mira Road (E) in MBMC Area_66
Re-tender Notice About To provide machinery vehicles as required for a period upto 31 march 2026 for eviction of encroachment, unauthorized construction, dangerous building in MBMC Area_281
Re-tender Notice About Selecting an agency to establish a policy for renting out properties owned by the MBMC_64
Re-tender Notice About Empanelment of Agency for demolition of existing structure within corporation limits of MBMC_63
Expression of interest Regarding Appointment of hospital planning ,designing and management consultant for MBMC_59
Tender Notice Regarding Establishing a center of Excellence in School of MBMC_786
Supply of uniform &other Equipment for the Employee of fireBridge department of MBMC _1222
Tender Notice -- MBMC invites tender to provider kusti mat with full cover_41
Tender Notice of Redevelopment of shree dharavi devi temple at bhaindar (w) in mbmc Area_57
First Extension Notice Regarding Preparing of green space work at STP plant navghar & STP plant no 3 At Jesal park Bhyanadar ( E ) in MBMC Area_406
Re-Tender notice Regarding Appointment consultant for energy saving solar power plant installation work in Various Area in MBMC Area _52
Re-Tender notice Regarding Appointment of agencies for repairing maintenance of civil and Electrical work of rental blg and Trasit Camp in MBMC Area _51
Re-Tender notice Regarding Repairs to Electromagnetic Flow Meter 450 mm Dia At Dahisar Check Naka _19
Expression of interest of Appointment of Hospital planning ,designing and Management Consultant for MBMC _50
Tender notice About proposed plumbing work & sprinkler irrigation system at Ghodbander killa,Ghodbander Goan at mira road east in MBMC Area_49
Tender notice Aboutproposed plumbing work & sprinkler irrigation system at Ghodbanderkilla,Ghodbander Goan at mira road east in MBMC Area_49
Tender Notice Regarding Supplyof medicine surgical material lab material to MBMC health department_732
Tender Extension Notice Regarding Supply of Emergency Equipment for the Fire Bridge department of Mira Bhaindar Municipal Corporation _1014
PWD / Electric Department Tender notice for Mira Bhaindar municipal corporation public works / electric department online tender are being invited for 05 Works in Government /semi government /public sector / Activity &local self Government ETC _37
Tender Notice Regarding Proposed development and beautification works of waterfront at Chena River Phase -2 in MBMC Area _38
Repairing of roads Excavated by various service fill up the Potholes during rainy season on Annual basic in mira bhayandar municipal Corporation Area _39
PWD / Electric Department Tender notice for Mira Bhaindar municipal corporation public works / electric department online tender are being invited for 02 Works in Government /semi government /public sector / Activity &local self Government ETC _40
Tender Notice Regarding Repair of roller in Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Maidan in Mira Bhaindar Municipal Corporation Area _304
Re-tender Notice of TO carry out Water Audit & STP Audit of water Supply scheme STP & SPS under MBMC _18
First Extension Notice About Operation and Maintenance of community toilets at difference places within the Mira Bhaindar municipal Areas_343
First Extension Notice About (MBMC / Transport/ 152 / 2024-25 ( Tender Id 2024_MBMC_1061416_1 ) Mira Bhaindar municipal corporation invites sealed tender for Maintenance & repair work of bus stops and for the rights of Advertisement for 57 construed bus stop (shelter ) on “As it is “ Basis of MBMC transport _169
- Rate for material required for supply ,Installation, Testing and Commissioning of fresh Air System & Exhaust Air System
- Supply of machinery, vehicles for taking action on encroachment and unauthorized construction, dangerous buildings - Tender Notice 662
- Supply of labor for taking action on encroachment and unauthorized construction, dangerous buildings - Tender Notice 661
- Tender Notice No. 48 - Storage Point Inventory Management
- Tender Notice No.49 -Water Audit & STP Audit
- The attached tender notice for the creation of green space in various parks in the Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation area should be published on the website.
- Regarding publication of re-tender notices. Regarding grant of advertising rights along with maintenance repairs on remaining 57 bus stops under construction in Mira-Bhayander Municipal Corporation area on “as is” basis.
- Regarding publication of tender form (tender document).
- Tender Notice No. 386
- Tender Notice No.385
- Regarding publication of second extension.
- Notification No. 384 regarding online tender for 02 development works from Public Works Department
- 01 Special Grant Development Works from Public Deptt
- 379 regarding online tender of 02 development works from Public Works Department
- Regarding online tender for 05 development works from Public Works Department
- A total of 8 online tenders for development works from Public Works Department
- Supplying uniforms and other materials to the officers and employees of the Fire Department of the Municipal Corporation
- Through Public Relations Department of Mira Bhayander Mahanagarpalika to hire an agency for "Payment of annual registration fee for social media accounts Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter by Mahanagar palika"
- First extension - supply of deodorizers, powders, sanitary materials to solid waste management department
- First Extension Tender Notice AMC of Budget & Geo Tracking Software Including Mobile App
- Re-Tender Notice No.36 (2023-24) Supply of JCB machine for water supply maintenance repair and smooth distribution system
- Regarding online tender for various works in Mira-Bhainder Municipal Corporation limits
- Tender Notice No. 34 (2023-24) regarding publication.
- Tender Notice No. 33 Supply of JCB machine for water supply maintenance repair and maintenance of distribution system
- Tender Notice No. 32 (2023-24) regarding promulgation.
- Setting up InnovationCell (IC) under the control of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation Call for online tenders.
- Regarding requesting online rates for preparation of budget for property addition work in Mira-Bhainder Municipal Corporation area
- Advance Beauty Parlor (two days workshop) -online tender
- Tender Schedule- Purchase of stationery for Public Health Department of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation.
- Tender Schedule - Purchase of Stationery for Public Health Department of Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation.
- Ward no. (C1,C2A,C2B,C3) classification (year 2023-24) and ward no. 06 in respect of the building which is more than 30 years old.
- Miraroad (East) Reservation no. 314 regarding publication of notice of public tender for construction repair work.
- Offline advertisement regarding procurement of materials for poor and needy women and self-help groups
- Installation of automatic timer system (Auto control on/off) to fountains installed at various places.
- Mira Bhayander City through Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation's ambitious Community Development Programme
- Solid waste remaining at the solid waste project site at Uttan in the Mira-Bhainder Municipal Corporation area
- The science of irnat released by processing solid waste in Mira-Bhyander Municipal Corporation area
- Regarding publication of quotation tender for purchase of compost bean work
- Tender Notice - Supply of computer set for Medical Department of Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation.
- Tender Notice - Supply of computer set for Medical Department of Mira Bhayandar Municipal Corporation.
- Re-Tender Notice -Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation to supply computer sets for various departments
- Recruitment of Technical Consultant for Swachh Survekshan 2022 Project Implementation Unit for 04 Months Working Quotation
- Regarding certification of fire department asso
- Mira Bhayander Municipal Park and Tree Authority Department Ward Committee No. 01 month for 4, 5 and 6
- Extension of tender called for washing all linens of the employees of the Kovid hospital
- Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation for the year 2021-22 various types of boards-banners, hoardings, nameplates and
- Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation for the year 2021-22 various types of boards-banners, hoardings, nameplates and
- E-Tendering (on-line) regarding opening of financial bids for tenders